Berg/Drautal Freistyle Weekend
Klosterruine Arnoldstein "Aktion Mutante"
Klosterruine Arnoldstein "Aktion Mutante"
Graz Club Q
Berg/Drautal Freistyle Weekend
Klosterruine Arnoldstein "Aktion Mutante"
Klosterruine Arnoldstein "Aktion Mutante"
Graz Club Q
Im Jahr 2003 fahren Peter J. Jost und Ing O. Leitner zusammen auf ein Musik-Festival. Dort werden stillschweigend die Weichen für ein Studio Projekt gestellt, welches lange noch keinen Namen trägt. Songs werden produziert und immer weiter entwickelt. Schon bald sind einige Demos fertig, und man beschließt, ein eigenes Studio zu bauen, um dort professionell aufnehmen zu können.
Peter J. Jost spielte zuvor bei den Bands "Sacred" und "Sin", brachte also schon einiges an Erfahrung mit. Ing O. Leitner, wie er selbst in einem Interview sagt, kennt Musik nur aus dem Radio. (Anm. der Redaktion: Es war eigentlich kein Interview, Ing. O Leitner bestand aber darauf, es so zu formulieren...). Schnell finden beide eine für sich optimal funktionierende Arbeitsweise: Die Songs werden zuhause aufgenommen, arrangiert, ausgetauscht, verbessert, wieder neu aufgenommen, ausgetauscht, wieder neu arrangiert um dann nochmal neu aufgenommen zu werden.
Irgendwann im Sommer 2006 in irgendeiner Bar bei irgendeinem Getränk beschließt man um 21:34 Uhr, dem Projekt den Namen "Senner" zu geben. Ausgestattet mit einer schlechten Kamera aber mit viel Enthusiasmus dreht man ein paar Musikvideos und schreibt ungetrieben weiter an neuem Material. Die Zeit war gut, der Wein war reif. Das Maß war voll, ihre Glieder... Aber das führt jetzt zu weit.
2008 sind die Songs so gut ausgearbeitet, das man ein Album daraus hätte machen können. Doch die musikalischen Laufbahnen trennen sich, Peter J. Jost fängt als Gitarrist bei der Band "Scorse of Morte" an, Ing O. Leitner zieht nach Hamburg, um sich Computerspielen zu widmen und gründet zusammen mit der Klagenfurtner Dark-Ambient-Electro "Pain Before Silence" das Musikprojekt "Handtuch Nord". Diese Zusammenarbeit bringt im Mai 2013 das erste Studioalbum mit dem Titel "Jehzoba" hervor. Peter J. Jost veröffentlicht mit "Scorse of Morte" ebenfalls im Mai 2013 das Album "Bitter Pill". Dannach steigt er jedoch als Gitarrist aus.
Als sich die Wege wieder kreuzen, beschließt man, das bereits fertige Goldmaster der Welt zu präsentieren. Ein Musikvideo zu "Fire in the Sky" wird im Sommer 2016 in Eigenregie produziert, ein Albumcover und eine Website folgen. Am 10. Dezember 2016 ist es dann endlich soweit: Das Debütalbum "The Opposite Is True" erblickt das Licht der Welt und ist seitdem ausschließlich als Download erhältlich.
2017 und 2018 werden neue Ideen gesammelt und Vorbereitungen getroffen, das ganze Zeugs der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Im Jänner 2019 steigen zwei weitere Musiker in das Projekt ein: Daniel Jost (Bass) und Bernd Presslauer (Drums). In einem geheimen, dunklen Probelabor wird seitdem an einem Live-Auftritt gearbeitet.

Peter Jost
Daniel Jost
Ingo Leitner
Bernd Presslauer
Daniel Jost
Ingo Leitner
Bernd Presslauer
9620 Hermagor
Andrea Warmuth ea@sennerland.com
Peter Jost peter-jost@sennerland.com
Ingo Leitner ingo@sennerland.com
9620 Hermagor
Andrea Warmuth ea@sennerland.com
Peter Jost peter-jost@sennerland.com
Ingo Leitner ingo@sennerland.com
conscience hangs like a bag
filled with black fluidity
swell every minute
swell every second
and his head go down
and his eyes seems
to close forever
now the V2's meets together
start a war against the father
kill the mother
kill the father
i'd like to
set them on fire
and his head go down
and his eyes seems
to close forever
and his hands decay
and the guilty one
bequeath a stigma
swell every minute
and every second
words with no sense
escape this mouth
because there is no justification
and his head go down
and his eyes seems
to close forever
conscience hangs like a bag
filled with black fluidity
swell every minute
swell every second
and his head go down
and his eyes seems
to close forever
now the V2's meets together
start a war against the father
kill the mother
kill the father
i'd like to
set them on fire
and his head go down
and his eyes seems
to close forever
and his hands decay
and the guilty one
bequeath a stigma
swell every minute
and every second
words with no sense
escape this mouth
because there is no justification
and his head go down
and his eyes seems
to close forever
fire in the sky
everyone die
if you want cry
someone lift me up to sky
are you the one?
everyone die
prepare to cry
live to die
live to cry
anyone anywhere out there
prepared to die
live to fight
fight for right?
a fire in the sky
is making the death alive
they raise their fists
and didn't see who die
didn't see YOU die
everyone die
if you want cry
someone lift me up to sky
are you the one?
everyone die
prepare to cry
live to die
live to cry
anyone anywhere out there
prepared to die
live to fight
fight for right?
a fire in the sky
is making the death alive
they raise their fists
and didn't see who die
didn't see YOU die
fuchs du hast
fuchs du hast die gans gestohlen
gib sie wieder her
sonst kommt dich der jäger holen
mit dem schiessgewehr
fuchs du hast die gans gestohlen
gib sie wieder her
sonst kommt dich der jäger holen
mit dem schiessgewehr
one by one
one by one that's the nature
always the same procedure
laws are made born to follow
always this sticky mixture
rules are made to redefine
break through
to break through
so break through
and don't let them control you
we speak words someone make up
queen, obscene, tv, holy, shit, fuck
this sentence of a brave man
unexcited if you are still a children
rules are made to redefine
break through
to break through
so break through
and don't let them control you
we are unable to run away
the mother speak someone defined
we are unable to run away
the mother speak someone defined
we are unable to run away
becoming a big mass
we are unable to run away
the mother speak someone defined
we speak words someone make up
one by one that's the nature
always the same procedure
laws are made born to follow
always this sticky mixture
rules are made to redefine
break through
to break through
so break through
and don't let them control you
we speak words someone make up
queen, obscene, tv, holy, shit, fuck
this sentence of a brave man
unexcited if you are still a children
rules are made to redefine
break through
to break through
so break through
and don't let them control you
we are unable to run away
the mother speak someone defined
we are unable to run away
the mother speak someone defined
we are unable to run away
becoming a big mass
we are unable to run away
the mother speak someone defined
we speak words someone make up
why is it that i look to it
and nothing going on in my head
why is it that it took to fit
a long time dont try to find
enigmatic stranger
i don't betake in a danger
why is it that i look to it
and nothing going on in my head
why is it that it took to fit
a long time dont try to find
a reason
i watch to one thousand symbols
they are so diaphanous
beyond the reason
why i should not lose my way it is
watching me and kidding
pull me down a spitting
image of my own confusion
image of a debility
enigmatic stranger
i don't betake in a danger
but stay in this pitiful zone
where the sense is monochrom
oh my way i'm loosing my way
i'm trying to see it all valueless
why is it that i look to it
and nothing going on in my head
why is it that it took to fit
a long time dont try to find
enigmatic stranger
i don't betake in a danger
why is it that i look to it
and nothing going on in my head
why is it that it took to fit
a long time dont try to find
a reason
i watch to one thousand symbols
they are so diaphanous
beyond the reason
why i should not lose my way it is
watching me and kidding
pull me down a spitting
image of my own confusion
image of a debility
enigmatic stranger
i don't betake in a danger
but stay in this pitiful zone
where the sense is monochrom
oh my way i'm loosing my way
i'm trying to see it all valueless
oversized and overpriced
exploitation - definite
superheroes, referees
don't you think we need
i say no i say hate
i feel hate
multi culture, dithering
taking two oblivion
ignorance speak novelty
never forget to buy pie
i say no i say hate
i feel hate
my heart is screaming
my heart is bleeding
i realy don't know why
my heart is bleeding
my heart is breaking
don't you realy don't know why
daily soaps and talk tv
attitudes, analyses
ignorance this is a key
lock this crap
and flush it away
you say
enter out of memory
tumble fall and detonate
blow up things get trivial
never forget to buy pie
i say no i say hate
i feel hate
my heart is screaming
my heart is bleeding
i realy don't know why
my heart is bleeding
my heart is breaking
don't you realy don't know why
go away
you heal me
my reason to hate gone away
you heal me and everything
everything i hate
everything is falling away from me
oversized and overpriced
exploitation - definite
superheroes, referees
don't you think we need
i say no i say hate
i feel hate
multi culture, dithering
taking two oblivion
ignorance speak novelty
never forget to buy pie
i say no i say hate
i feel hate
my heart is screaming
my heart is bleeding
i realy don't know why
my heart is bleeding
my heart is breaking
don't you realy don't know why
daily soaps and talk tv
attitudes, analyses
ignorance this is a key
lock this crap
and flush it away
you say
enter out of memory
tumble fall and detonate
blow up things get trivial
never forget to buy pie
i say no i say hate
i feel hate
my heart is screaming
my heart is bleeding
i realy don't know why
my heart is bleeding
my heart is breaking
don't you realy don't know why
go away
you heal me
my reason to hate gone away
you heal me and everything
everything i hate
everything is falling away from me
hymn (be my jane)
take me to the place
i will follow
show me how to kill
forget the sorrow
teach me how to playing roles
down the river
our raft is drifting
until midnight
the story ends
i could do anything i want
to the moon afternoon freeze in july
i could do everything for you
be my jane
giant spiders crawl around
i look into the evidence
alter ego is amused
down the river
our raft is drifting
until midnight
the story ends
i could do anything i want
to the moon afternoon freeze in july
i could do everything for you
be my jane
i'm falling down the tower
my clothes burn
fight against the monster i dream
i'm calling my desire and i learn
to fight against the monster
i dream of nothing at all
take me to the place
i will follow
show me how to kill
forget the sorrow
teach me how to playing roles
down the river
our raft is drifting
until midnight
the story ends
i could do anything i want
to the moon afternoon freeze in july
i could do everything for you
be my jane
giant spiders crawl around
i look into the evidence
alter ego is amused
down the river
our raft is drifting
until midnight
the story ends
i could do anything i want
to the moon afternoon freeze in july
i could do everything for you
be my jane
i'm falling down the tower
my clothes burn
fight against the monster i dream
i'm calling my desire and i learn
to fight against the monster
i dream of nothing at all
suffer doll
i make you my everything
you are the king i am a tool
hold this scepter in your hand
glory me punish me
i do everything
i won't change anything
if there is a new begin
if there is a prophesy
breaking my scheme to be
a fucking doll
make me fade away
you want my fire
come on and fill my desire
or give me up
come on and make me fade away
make me fade away
i make you my everything
who of us spell suffering
spell suffering
make me fade away
you want my fire
come on and fill my desire
or give me up
come on and make me fade
away make me fade away
i'm sitting in the corner
watching all the things i've done
i decide to throw it away its a new begin
i make you my everything
you are the king i am a tool
hold this scepter in your hand
glory me punish me
i do everything
i won't change anything
if there is a new begin
if there is a prophesy
breaking my scheme to be
a fucking doll
make me fade away
you want my fire
come on and fill my desire
or give me up
come on and make me fade away
make me fade away
i make you my everything
who of us spell suffering
spell suffering
make me fade away
you want my fire
come on and fill my desire
or give me up
come on and make me fade
away make me fade away
i'm sitting in the corner
watching all the things i've done
i decide to throw it away its a new begin
the other side
watch to the face on the other side
come on we can not wait until another night
whats up, are you ready to ride up another step
up another step
can you decide you
up another step
can you surprise me
i show you the way
to the other side
will you change your mind
no one bless you
to the other side
will you change your mind
will you change yourself
watch to the face on the other side
do you want to wait until another night
whats up, are you ready to ride up another step
up another step
can you decide you
up another step
can you surprise me
to the other side
will you change your mind
no one bless you
to the other side
will you change your mind
will you change yourself
watch me changing
to the other side
will you change your mind
no one bless you
to the other side
will you change your mind
will you change yourself
watch to the face on the other side
come on we can not wait until another night
whats up, are you ready to ride up another step
up another step
can you decide you
up another step
can you surprise me
i show you the way
to the other side
will you change your mind
no one bless you
to the other side
will you change your mind
will you change yourself
watch to the face on the other side
do you want to wait until another night
whats up, are you ready to ride up another step
up another step
can you decide you
up another step
can you surprise me
to the other side
will you change your mind
no one bless you
to the other side
will you change your mind
will you change yourself
watch me changing
to the other side
will you change your mind
no one bless you
to the other side
will you change your mind
will you change yourself
wipe this tears away
i wake up and realize
that it is the same like before
holy ground they say
everything always repeats again
holy ground
my vene gets dirty
and i grind my teeth however
stop cryin like an infant
renounce reality
wipe this tears away from your face
i turn my back to this cold world
i stay away
we play god do not forgive
sever the line
i stay away
i choose another way
now i choose another way
wipe this tears away from your face
no compasion for myself
i wake up and realize
that it is the same like before
holy ground they say
everything always repeats again
holy ground
my vene gets dirty
and i grind my teeth however
stop cryin like an infant
renounce reality
wipe this tears away from your face
i turn my back to this cold world
i stay away
we play god do not forgive
sever the line
i stay away
i choose another way
now i choose another way
wipe this tears away from your face
no compasion for myself
the summary
i'm unable to see
unable to feel this sanity
i push this to me
all the pain
all this shit is made
to use it as a posibility
i connect to this time
i can feel this sanity
i push this to me
all the pain
all this shit i use
to call this back to memory
and keep livin
the light picks me up again
i jump
the line tells me the sickle comes
i'm unable to see
to feel this sanity
darkness holds me again it repeats
the line tells me the sickle comes
i'm unable to see
unable to feel this sanity
i push this to me
all the pain
all this shit is made
to use it as a posibility
i connect to this time
i can feel this sanity
i push this to me
all the pain
all this shit i use
to call this back to memory
and keep livin
the light picks me up again
i jump
the line tells me the sickle comes
i'm unable to see
to feel this sanity
darkness holds me again it repeats
the line tells me the sickle comes
room of darkness
out today a new version
out today unusable
and every day is holy world
glitter gold
i sit here with my piece of bliss
here in a room of darkness
oh tell me is this a way to the merlin
out today a new version
out today unusable
and every day a new campaign
now sold out
i sit here with my piece of bliss
here in a room of darkness
oh tell me is this a way to the merlin
i sit here with my piece of bliss
here in this room
i keep flyin away
don't close eagle eyes
out today a new version
out today unusable
and every day is holy world
glitter gold
i sit here with my piece of bliss
here in a room of darkness
oh tell me is this a way to the merlin
out today a new version
out today unusable
and every day a new campaign
now sold out
i sit here with my piece of bliss
here in a room of darkness
oh tell me is this a way to the merlin
i sit here with my piece of bliss
here in this room
i keep flyin away
don't close eagle eyes